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Meet our summer intern: Zoey Shepherd

Daughter of Jason & Pam Shepherd

Grand daughter of Roy & Ann Shepherd

Guest Speaker: Kristen Snyder



[ ] Clothes for Outdoor Activities

[ ]Footwear to get wet or dirty (Old shoes)


  • Dinner

  • Sleep


An adult sponsor will return in case girls do not want to stay the night at the cabin. Please let us know if that is the case.


  • Breakfast

  • Return to Springhill at 11 a.m. 

  • Girls will help serve at the Monroe Backyard Bible Club

    • 12:00-1:15 p.m.

  • Return to Springhill at 1:30 p.m.

  • Pick Up


  • Parents have the option to pick up girls at 11 a.m.

Front view of cabin.png
cabin outdoor view.png

* Please Let us know if your child can not swim or of any allergies*


Contact Rick SNyder to be a part of

Girls Camp Day (918) 839-9850

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